
The purpose of the work: the influence of the New Ukrainian School on the formation of motivation for physical education lessons. Methodology: theoretical research methods were used for the purpose of researching the issues, in particular, analysis and generalization of methodological, psychological-pedagogical and educational-methodical literature, which gave an opportunity to study the features of the reform of the New Ukrainian School, its shortcomings and advantages for the educational process. We conducted a questionnaire to determine the level of motivation among student youth. Scientific novelty: the impact of the New Ukrainian School on the formation of motivation for physical education lessons is determined.
 Conclusions: the formation of motives for physical exercises, physical activity, and an active lifestyle is important in improving the health of students and popularizing physical culture, because it is systematic physical culture activities that contribute to the development of basic physical qualities, education of will, courage, perseverance, have a positive effect on strengthening health, increase mental capacity and social adaptation. Thus, it was found that the developed and implemented Model Curriculum "Physical Culture. 5-6 classes" for institutions of general secondary education, which really raises the level of physical education and popularizes it among students, which, in turn, increases motivation for physical education lessons in institutions of general secondary education. Thus, based on the results of the questionnaire, it can be concluded that students of education have a fairly high level of motivation in the 5th-6th grades. This indicates that modern projects such as Oleksandr Pedan's "Junior" sports movement, the President's "Active Parks" program, Ukraine Active, "Move more" and many others have brought physical education lessons to a new European level. The above-mentioned projects provide an opportunity for children during the war to engage in a variety of physical activity, which has a positive effect not only on increasing motivation for physical education lessons, but also on the level of physical fitness, improving the psychophysical state and mood of those who do it.

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