
The role models of parents who are seen and felt directly by students are the main key to character education while learning from home. Especially in the current situation, where many parents are very busy working, especially at times when online learning is conducted. students. The government is committed to providing optimal Early Childhood Education (PAUD) services even during the Covid-19 pandemic. During BDR, children's learning time is also not set at a certain hour but follows the parent's time so it is more flexible. This study aims to determine how the effect of online learning on children's character formation in Fathinah Kindergarten, Majene Regency and to find out whether online learning can influence children's character formation in Fathinah Kindergarten, Majene Regency. This research uses qualitative research. Methods of data collection using observation, documentation and interviews. The data validity technique used triangulation. Data analysis techniques used data collection, data selection, presenting data and drawing conclusions. The results of the research show that character education of children in terms of preparing clothes, inviting children to bathe and wash their own hair, getting children to brush their own teeth, getting children to be able to wear and take off clothes by themselves, wash hands, exercise, worship according to their respective beliefs so that all there is a difference between before and after being given character education treatment.


  • Penyebaran virus corona atau COVID-19 di Indonesia membuat banyak sekolah menghentikan proses pembelajaran tatap muka

  • Menurut Dabbagh (2005:15) dalam Istianingsih, dkk (2015) bahwa online learning adalah sebagai berikut: Online learning is an open and distributed learning environment that uses pedagogical tools, enable by internet and web based technologies, to facilitate learning and knowledge building through meaningful action and interaction

  • Pentingnya Pendidikan Karakter pada Anak Usia Dini

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Penyebaran virus corona atau COVID-19 di Indonesia membuat banyak sekolah menghentikan proses pembelajaran tatap muka. Pendidikan karakter tetap bisa dilakukan selama pembelajaran daring di masa pandemi Covid-19 tidak dapat dipungkiri menambah kuantitas dan kualitas waktu yang dihabiskan bersama keluarga. Keteladanan para orang tua yang dilihat dan dirasakan langsung oleh para peserta didik adalah kunci utama pendidikan karakter selama belajar dari rumah. Terlebih pada keadaan saat ini, dimana banyak orang tua yang teramat sibuk bekerja, khususnya di waktu-waktu pembelajaran daring dilakukan siswa. Memberikan pendidikan sejak usia dini kepada anak-anak berusia balita adalah salah satu cara untuk membentuk karakter dan kepribadian anak untuk masa yang akan datang. Karena masalah pendidikan anak belajar dari rumah melalui pembelajaran online saat ini masih banyak menyisakan persoalan. Melalui penelitian ini penulis hendak melihat pengaruh pembelajaran online terhadap pembentukan karakter anak di TK Fathinah

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