
The Influence of Motivation, Learning Knowledge of the Pancasila Profile Project (P5) Independent Curriculum on Interests in My Indonesian Culture Food Pecel in students of SDN Cireundeu 01 South Tangerang. This research was conducted to analyze the relationship between motivation, knowledge, and interest in eating Indonesian traditional food, my cultural food, namely Pecel Sayur, in grade 1 students at SDN Cireundeu 01, South Tangerang. The data collection technique in this study was by distributing questionnaires. Learning is the main activity in the educational process in schools. Learning is a conscious effort to change attitudes and behavior. In an effort to achieve changes in behavior needed motivation. Motivation is one of the factors that encourage students to want to learn. Motivation to learn can be classified into two, namely intrinsic motivation (states that originate from within the student himself which can encourage him to take learning actions) and extrinsic motivation (states that come from outside the individual student that encourage him to carry out learning activities). Whether there is motivation to learn greatly affects the success of student learning. Learning success will be achieved if there is a will and drive to learn. Learning is a process where there is positive interaction between teachers and students in an effort to achieve learning goals. The achievement of learning objectives is one of the factors that determine the success of teaching and learning. Learning is the main activity in the entire education process in schools. The success of achieving educational goals is very dependent on the effectiveness of the learning process taking place. While learning can be interpreted as a relatively fixed change in individual behavior caused by experience and involving cognitive skills and attitudes in an effort to achieve educational goals. Learning is effective if the interaction between educators and students is active and the expected goals can be achieved within a predetermined timeframe. In connection with the achievement of learning and educational goals, fostering student learning motivation is a very important task for the teacher. Learning will take place effectively if students have motivation in learning. Teachers must make maximum efforts so that students are motivated to learn. Therefore, learning motivation is one of the keys to success in achieving learning goals. Learning motivation must be aroused in students so that students are motivated in learning traditional foods so that grade 1 elementary school students' knowledge of traditional foods increases and interest in eating traditional Indonesian food Pecel sayur is high.

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