
The modern economy is undergoing significant structural changes, which entail an in-depth study of certain processes in the branches of the economy. Historically, the agricultural sector, which plays a decisive role in the economy of the region and the country as a whole, is the most relevant and requires a special approach due to its economic specificity. Currently, effective use of land resources, identification of problems of their implementation, development of key directions and implementation of measures to increase the efficiency of economic use of land fund play an important role in strengthening the country's economy, and is also of great importance for increasing the volume of agricultural products. Land, as one of the main factors of production, is crucial for the efficiency of the branches of the agro-industrial complex, since food security and the improvement of the quality of life of the population due to sufficient food supply depend on its rational use and maximum involvement in the agricultural cycle, ensuring high-quality and safe food products, sustainable development and modernization of agriculture, development of breeding livestock, plant selection, prevention of reduction of agricultural land areas, rational use of such lands. The issue of increasing the efficiency of land resource use has always been relevant, since land is the basis of agricultural production. Land resources, on the use of which a significant volume of food and the fund of consumer goods are formed, are the primary factor of production, and occupy the largest specific weight in the structure of the resource potential of agricultural enterprises. Therefore, increasing the efficiency of the use of land resources will contribute to the increase in the efficiency of the use of the entire resource potential. Effective use of agricultural land, in the conditions of organizational agricultural formations and their production specifics, is of strategic importance for the production of agro-industrial products for the consumer. Keywords: agriculture, land resources, agricultural land, crop production, livestock production, land use efficiency.

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