
The national interests of the state are to ensure socio-economic development based on the efficient and rational use, protection and reproduction of land resources in the production of organic products, as well as maintaining a healthy environment. This determines the urgency of harmonizing national policies in the field of reorganization, modernization and development sectors of the economy, and in the provision of services with policies on environmental protection, rational use of natural resources, public health, the formation and use of mechanisms to address these problems, taking into account the situation and the laws of a market economy. This article examines the process of agricultural production taking into account environmental factors and ensuring the rational use of land resources. The importance of soil quality indicators, as well as their impact on land use of agricultural enterprises for the production of organic products is substantiated. The optimal ecological strategy is recommended for most agricultural enterprises of Ukraine. The processes of development of organic food products in Ukraine were considered, as well as the essence and meaning of the concept of “organic products”. The expediency of organic production is proved and the factors of influence of organic products on society are considered. An effective way to improve the condition of soils and lands, increase their fertility in the future. The importance of crop rotations for improving the efficiency and fertility of land resources of Ukraine has been established. Purpose. Creating a market for organic products and proposals for the rational use of land resources. Results. The essence and concept of organic products are revealed. The process of agricultural production is studied taking into account environmental factors and ensuring the rational use of land resources. The importance of soil quality indicators, as well as their impact on land use of agricultural enterprises for the production of organic products is substantiated. The optimal ecological strategy is recommended for most agricultural enterprises of Ukraine. The expediency of organic production is proved and the factors of influence of organic products on society are considered. Proposals for improving the efficiency of land use, improving the condition of soils and lands, increasing their fertility in the future. The national interests of the state are revealed, which are to ensure socio-economic development based on efficient and rational use, protection and reproduction of land resources in the process of organic production, as well as maintaining a healthy environment. Conclusions. The urgency of creating a market for organic products and improving the efficiency of land use and creating sustainable systems of organic production that contribute to the preservation of ecosystems and gradually improve soil quality, which is an integral part of environmental and economic policy, which ensures rational use, protection and management of land resources , is important. In this context, the organization of rational and efficient land use includes creating the best conditions for organic production, reproduction and protection of soil fertility, increasing its role in agricultural production, scientifically sound interaction of soils with other natural factors, ensuring the development of the most complete and correct criteria, methods and techniques. Scientifically substantiated alternation of crops and vapors in time and territory or only in time (rotation) in advance according to a defined plan, and is accompanied by an appropriate tillage system. Thanks to the crop rotation system – a systematic increase in yield, provides the largest production of agricultural products per unit area with the lowest financial costs and labor, and ensures the rational use of land resources in the production of organic products.


  • The national interests of the state are to ensure socio-economic development based on the efficient and rational use, protection and reproduction of land resources in the production of organic products, as well as maintaining a healthy environment

  • Substantiated alternation of crops and vapors in time and territory or only in time in advance according to a defined plan, and is accompanied by an appropriate tillage system

  • 7. Про стан родючості ґрунтів України: Національна доповідь

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The national interests of the state are to ensure socio-economic development based on the efficient and rational use, protection and reproduction of land resources in the production of organic products, as well as maintaining a healthy environment. Метою статті є підвищення екологічної обізнаності населення та обґрунтування важливості створення ринку органічної низка екологічних факторів створили важливі продукції та представлення пропозицій щодо передумови для розвитку ринку органічної продукції в раціонального використання земельних ресурсів у На створення ринку органічної продукції в Україні добрив.

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