
The processes of data exchange between foreign trade entities during customs procedures are currently the subject of many studies, especially in the context of the introduction of the new NCTS computerized transit system to improve and harmonize customs procedures. In light of the military operations in the customs territory of Ukraine, it is important to analyze the impact of these events on the efficiency of customs procedures and data exchange between foreign trade entities. The analysis of modern customs policy in the example of Ukraine, including the mechanisms for using customs instruments to regulate foreign trade in the context of a military conflict, is becoming an important element for ensuring the required level of security and efficiency of border crossing in the context of the introduction of new approaches. One of the ways to improve the efficiency of customs procedures in the context of military operations is to minimize personal contact between customs officers and customers, use electronic services and mobile applications, and quickly resolve issues related to temporary restrictions on border crossing and transportation of goods necessary to meet the needs of the front line and civilians. In general, the analysis of the impact of martial law on customs procedures and data exchange in the context of foreign economic activity requires a comprehensive approach and consideration of the specifics of the situation at customs and the border. As a result, the customs authorities of Ukraine are forced to exercise stricter customs control over goods during their customs clearance compared to the EU countries and other countries already operating in the NCTS transit system.

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