
The article discusses two ways of organizing distance learning – synchronous and asynchronous modes. The differences of the model curricula in the school education system “New Ukrainian School” (NUS) from the existing curricula are described. Some distance learning technologies are described, namely: cloud technologies, STEAM education, Case method, Crossense, Game technologies, or gamification, Health-saving technologies, Project method, storytelling and tools used by teachers during distance learning. The following services are provided for the organization of online learning: Gios, My class, EDERA, “Mathematics is simple” course. Changes in the organization of the process of teaching mathematics are described, which take place in accordance with the concept of the “New Ukrainian School” (NUS). The methods, organizational forms and teaching tools used in higher education institutions when combining distance learning with face-to-face learning are described. The specific features of the educational process during distance learning in institutions of higher education are described. Various forms and measures are proposed for the organization of the educational process in order to maintain the appropriate level of knowledge acquisition and the formation of relevant skills in geometry during distance learning of future mathematics teachers.

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