
The study deals with one of the historical Islamic figures who had a prominent presence in the theater of political, administrative, and social life in the battle of Al-Wazir Nizam al-Mulk al-tousi . The importance of the study and its goals stem from the popularity of his fame, his brilliance, the public’s love for him and their envy around him, and the large number of his enviers, his hatred and hatred for him. All this was a reason for the identification of this character, revealed his image and features, when he died and translated, and wrote about his circle, and what the poets of Seljuki, praise and lament, and from here stem the problem of the study by asking the question, "Do you match poets Was there an exaggeration among the poets, as is customary? All that was mentioned and narrated was a reason for the importance of the study and its objectives. Concerning the methodology of the study, I followed the descriptive and inferential . approach, from the historical novels about him, and from the collections of poets in his era. The study came in terms of its structure, divided into an introduction, two chapters with its demands, a conclusion, and a confirmation of the sources and references. Key words: Minister Nizam Al-Mulk, The Seljuk Era, Translations, Biographies, Historians, Poetry

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