
The history of the novel has undergone a series of changes and embraced other literary genres. This led to the emergence of several new types of novel and the readers’ familiarity with it, due to the vitality and impact of this literary genre on other literary genres, as it sometimes crosses the boundaries of other literary genres, and merges with other fields of the human sciences, such as history. Hence, the novel’s readers get acquainted with a new type of novel, which is (the historical novel), i.e. a narration of a historical event or the mention of a historical figure in a literary melting pot such as a novel, that is, in parallel with the novelist narrating the historical event, he does not ignore the techniques (methods) of writing novel and its technical elements. Rather, while narrating this history, the novelist seeks to present a special taste to the reader in order for the reader to feel that what he is reading is not a pure history, but rather a historical narrative, presented through novel’s techniques and its artistic elements. The examples of this type of historical novel in Kurdish literature have not been noticeably taken care of, but the attempts of some novelists in this field are subject to examination and worthy of study, including the novelist (Jan Dost), who wrote a number of historical novels, where we studied the two novels (Meernama) and (Three Steps and a Gallows). Meernamah's novel deals with the Kurdish historical figure (Ahmad Khani), and his struggle to educate his people, as he tried to unify the Kurdish princes for the sake of independence and obtain the rights of his people, striving for coexistence and accepting different religions and nationalities. The novel (Three Steps and a Gallows) deals with the last night in the life of (Sheikh Saeed Piran) as a historical figure, as the novel returns via flashback to the three stages of his life.

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