
Introduction: Low knowledge of diarrhea prevention is why diarrhea rates are still high in Indonesia. There have been many ways to increase public knowledge related to diarrhea prevention, one of which is by conducting counseling using video media. This study aimed to determine the effect of video media counseling on knowledge of diarrhea prevention: a pre-experimental study in the community of Kresek Village, Tangerang Regency. Methods: Thei researchi designi wasi pre-experimenti onei groupi pre-test-post-test.i Thei populationi wasi thei community in Kampung Nambo, Kresek District, Tangerang Regency, Banten Province. The study was conducted in January 2023. Criteria for respondents over 13 years of age. The study sample amounted to 40 people taken by consecutive sampling, which was taken for seven days. The intervention was conducted with education using video media titled "Let's Prevent Diarrhea" (Copyright No EC00202310110). The collected datai werei analyzedi usingi thei T-testi withi thei helpi ofi SPSSi versioni 26.0.i toi determinei thei effecti ofi counselingi withi videos on increasing respondents' knowledge. Results: The results showed ani increasei ini thei numberi ofi correcti answersi toi questionnaire questions after providing educational videos. Before education with video, the number of respondents with good knowledge was only two people (5%). After counseling, it increased to 37 people (92.7%). The Wilcoxon test results showed that the p-value was 0.000. Conclusion: There is an effect of counseling with video media on increasing respondents' knowledge.

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