
The article substantiates the expediency of using the biographical approach to study the pedagogical personality of the out- standing historian, local historian, teacher, leader of education and science Vasyl Loburets (1930-2006). Based on the analysis of the works of foreign (Erik Erikson, C. Wright Mills, Carlo Ginzburg, Ronald A. Giere, William H. McNeill, Antonina Kloskowska) and Ukrainian (H. Belan, N. Dichek, M. Leshchenko, N. Lisovska-Muskieieva, M. Sydorov, O. Sukhomlynska) researchers, the article reveals the peculiarities of using the biographical approach, the sources and methods of studying the creative biography of the scientist.It is proved that at the end of the twentieth century, the biographical approach became widespread not only in psychology and sociology, but also in the literary, historical, historical and pedagogical fields. As a result of these transformations, a sepa- rate scientific field emerged – biography – the object of study of which was a prominent personality in the context of his or her various connections with society. The article substantiates the idea that biography as a separate scientific field has acquired an interdisciplinary status and is based on the methodology of the humanities (sociology, philosophy, psychology, history, literary studies, history of pedagogy, etc.).The use of a biographical approach allows for a greater contextual understanding of the issue. By studying individual bi- ographies, historians of education can gain a deeper understanding of the social, political and cultural contexts of a particular historical era. The formation of scholarly ideas and personal experiences is largely influenced by significant historical forces, so the study of biographies can help to reveal the cultural and social connections between educational definitions.The use of the biographical approach creates a holistic view of science that combines the intellectual, professional and personal aspects of scientific achievements, and provides a fundamental and critical analysis of the educational sphere. The biographical approach is a universal tool for studying Vasyl Loburets’ pedagogical personality. On the basis of biographical research, socio-pedagogical reality is studied in chronological and cultural aspects.

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