
The role of the classical heritage within a history of education component in the higher education teaching is discussed in the article. Various chronological and thematic ways to arrange the material in the anthologies for history of pedagogy and education are analyzed. Classical Greek and Roman languages are not so easy to the Russian students. Even the fragmentary translation of the classical texts gives them a faceted information. In this field of students education one needs various special approaches to minimize the means omissions and lacunas within the reconstruction of history of ancient education. Difficulties and opportunities for compilers and readers to choose between traditional and digital sources upon the antique pedagogical heritage are designated with the examples of editions from 1897 till 2016. Anthologizing the history of classical Greek and Roman education proceeded from the biographical approach (famous persons as an icon of this or that epochs) to the chronological principle of the sources arrangement and through it to the critical and theme-oriented schemes with the analytical applications in the critical anthologies and various kinds of sources collected within the theme-oriented anthologies. In conclusion we speak about the main trends in changing the historical sources on education representation in digital era looking to the recent approaches on the sources arranging for teachers education in higher schools via web resources with the background of the Great Books and printed anthologies as the frames of the knowledge about the great thinkers and past practices in the history of education.

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