
This article is dedicated to the transforming influence of television on consciousness of modern man. Forall this we paid a particular attention to those aspects of its moderative effect which had not been enough studiedand reflected in a wide spectrum of materials.First of all, the reasons of TV popularity as the most perfect and reflective means to date of socio-cultural lifeof the society such as an inclusion of all the sections of the population, address to the emotional human sphereand use of universal cinema language have been considered.The telemoderation of human consciousness in the sphere of formation of his/her basic cultural and socialknowledge is of special significance for us. With this purpose we studied in the article a positive moderating roleas well as a negative one of such forms of the contact with the audience as serials, talk shows or aestheticizingTV programmes.At the same time, the main accent was given to the hidden forms of TV influence. The major conclusion basedon the research of competent authors such as mediaphilosopher H. McLuhan and psychiatrist J. O’Keeffe is in thatTV images organize a multiscaled reformation of thinking processes in human brain. The activization of his/hercreative right cerebral hemisphere and percepting perfection become the result of this productive moderation.The telemoderation of emotional human sphere is not of lesser importance. The analysis of researchoutcomes made by the German mediapsychologist Winterhoff-Spurk confirms the positive significance of TVcontent, especially one of horror genre, for increasing a general level of interior motivation. However, the resultsof experiments of quite a number of other researchers proclaim a negative moderation aspect by the telecastsbeing permeated with sense of alarm and fear because the negative feelings accumulate in the subconsciousnessthat raises a level of social and personal anxiety. The research outcomes on latent TV influence upon human physiology and at the same time upon his/herpersonal activity proved to be the most important. The conclusions of multiple experiments collected by theresearcher R. Patzlaff state that a TV review disconnects the proper activity of eyes, provokes its immobilitythat also decreases the interior activity. This aspect has a particular importance in the development of a child’sintellect and his/her verbal organs because the TV role in his/her life grew immeasurably. So the unlimitedcontact of the child with the screen results in the problem of development of his/her speech because any dialogueis not supposed to be here.The conclusion motivates the necessity of thorough study of negative aspects of telemoderation with thepurpose of minimizing its nonproductive effect.


  • Стаття присвячена трансформуючому впливу телебачення на свідомість сучасної людини

  • This article is dedicated to the transforming influence of television on consciousness of modern man

  • For all this we paid a particular attention to those aspects of its moderative effect which had not been enough studied and reflected in a wide spectrum of materials

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Телебачення як інструмент трансформації свідомості сучасної людини

Стаття присвячена трансформуючому впливу телебачення на свідомість сучасної людини. Перш за все охарактеризовані причини популярності телебачення – охоплення всіх верств населення, звернення до емоційної сфери людини. This article is dedicated to the transforming influence of television on consciousness of modern man For all this we paid a particular attention to those aspects of its moderative effect which had not been enough studied and reflected in a wide spectrum of materials. The telemoderation of human consciousness in the sphere of formation of his/her basic cultural and social knowledge is of special significance for us With this purpose we studied in the article a positive moderating role as well as a negative one of such forms of the contact with the audience as serials, talk shows or aestheticizing TV programmes. Patzlaff state that a TV review disconnects the proper activity of eyes, provokes its immobility that decreases the interior activity This aspect has a particular importance in the development of a child’s intellect and his/her verbal organs because the TV role in his/her life grew immeasurably.

Телевидение как инструмент трансформации сознания современного человека
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