
The importance of information in the world and the so-called information society places information systems in the center of the organizations’ sustainability. There aren’t any owners of the economic information and there isn’t any real domain over the information systems, infrastructures and technologies and particularly over communications. These challenges display the relevance of all who assume the responsibility for management of information and technologies systems which can affect the normal functioning of the markets and economic organizations. Sustainability questions focus themselves on the articulation from several agents, on the management of information and technological resources and on the efficiency of markets, aiming to grant a peaceful and consolidated continuity of society. Beyond several factors which can be considered relevant to achieve organizational sustainability in the frame of information and knowledge society, there are some nuclear pillars in which managers and organizations need to develop competences. This theoretical approach, supported by a focus group research, aims to evaluate and propose a group of key elements to be measured for a proper evaluation of the organizations’ sustainability in the context of information society, taking in view future empirical studies and the application of the concept in management tasks.

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