
The article reveals the essence of the integral indicator of the personality's quality of the student's civil responsibility, which determines the effectiveness of the continuous process and the result of personal and educational development. The research is aimed at developing a universal scientific and effective system for forming the civic responsibility of primary school students. On the basis of developments of modern psychological and pedagogical research the holistic approach to understanding of formation of civic responsibility of schoolchildren is grounded. An attempt is made to determine the phenomenon of formation of the civic responsibility of the pupils of the main school as an integrative manifestation of a number of its constituent components related to the peculiarities of educational activity. The aim of the study was to identify the structure and features of the formation of civic responsibility of primary school students. To achieve the goal at various stages of scientific search, a complex of such interrelated methods is used: analysis, classification, generalization of theoretical approaches of domestic and foreign scientists in the field of philosophy, sociology, pedagogy, psychology to study the essence, structure and peculiarities of the formation of civic responsibility; study of psychological and pedagogical sources for the definition of the terminology apparatus of the study. In the context of the study, we will find out the content of the constituent concepts of "formation", "responsibility", "citizenship" as the leading components of the phenomenon of "civil responsibility". The notion of responsibility is defined as an integral indicator of the quality of the individual, which includes the process and the result development of human activity, characterized by the achievement of its indicators for reporting its actions and deeds, qualitative characteristics and completeness of implementation and stabilization of the systemic qualities of public accountability of the individual as an indicator of her position of life. Citizenship acts as a spiritual and moral value, a worldview and psychological characteristic of a person, conditioned by its state self-identification, awareness of belonging to a particular country. Differentiation of the general components of the structure of civic responsibility on the features that characterize a person: a sense of civic duty, patriotism, social activity, interest in social life, participation in society, the need for communication, collectivism, national and planetary consciousness. the achievement of pupils of the primary school of optimal levels of civil responsibility is due to their acquisition of their constituent components.

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