
IEEE Test Technology Technical Council (TTTC) takes an initiative to establish a forum involving young professionals working in the broad domain of test, diagnosis, yield improvement and related areas. We have formed a panel involving a diversified group of young professionals (recent PhD graduates from US and Canadian universities) currently employed in the leading US semiconductor and EDA companies. The session will be held in town-hall format, organized by Dr. Alodeep Sanyal from Synopsys and Dr. Yanjing Lin from Intel, and moderated by Dr. Yervant Zorian from Synopsys. The panelists will be involved in discussing the objectives of this newly-formed TTTC forum and the activities it should monitor. Some of the topics of discussion may include: (a) The benefits that TTTC can offer to the young professionals; (b) Establishing a connection between working professionals and graduate students that may provide research/mentoring opportunities for the professionals; (c) An actively maintained job requisition database exclusively available under TTTC for the student members to help them apply for a suitable job. The overall topic of discussion for this panel has been left quite open-ended for participants to propose their own ideas. We expect this panel will identify the future direction and activities for the TTTC Young Professionals Forum.

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