
Formulation of Generalized Electron Balance (GEB) for redox systems according to Approach II to GEB does not require the prior knowledge of oxidation numbers of all elements in components forming a system, and in the species of the system thus formed. This formulation is involved with linear combination of charge and elemental and/or core balances related to the system in question. The skillful choice of multipliers for the balances on the step of purposeful formulation of this linear combination allows for to find important regularities for electrolytic systems of different degree of complexity. These multipliers are related to the oxidation numbers of the elements; this regularity is important in the context of the fact that the oxidation number is the contractual concept. This property is valid for redox and non-redox systems. In this context, oxidation number is perceived as the derivative/redundant concept. The paper indicates the close relationships between different rules of conservation and indicates huge possibilities inherent in the generalized approach to electrolytic systems (GATES), and GATES/GEB in particular.


  • The paper refers critically to some fundamental concepts, known to a wide community of chemists from early stages of education

  • Within Generalized Approach to Electrolytic Systems (GATES)/Generalized Electron Balance (GEB), the species in electrolytic systems are considered in their natural form, as hydrates Xizi.niw in aqueous solutions[10], where zi is the charge of Xizi, expressed in elementary charge unit e = F/NA (F – Faraday constant, NA – Avogadro’s constant), and niW ( ≥ 0) is the mean number of water (W = H2O) molecules attached to Xizi

  • Relations between concentrations of the species From the interrelations obtained on the basis of expressions for equilibrium data[16] collected in Table 1 we have: Formulation of balances for the System 2 In the System 2 we have the set (2) of the species identical as in the System 1

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The paper refers critically to some fundamental concepts, known to a wide community of chemists from early stages of education It concerns the terms: oxidation state/number; oxidant and reductant; equivalent weight. Oxidation Numbers Stated In Formulation of Redox Systems According to GATES/GEB Principles two-phase electrolytic system obtained involve N1 molecules of H2O and Ni species of i-th kind, Xiziniw (i = 2, 3,...,I), denoted briefly as Xizi (Ni, ni), where ni ≡ niw ≡ niH2O; we have: H+1 (N2,n2), OH-1 (N3,n3),. The Approach II to GEB does not require any prior knowledge of the oxidation numbers of elements in the components and in the species. The main purpose of the present paper is to familiarize it to a wider community It will be indicated, in a simple mathematical manner, the fundamental criterion distinguishing between non-redox and redox systems. In V0 + V mL of D +T mixture we have the following species: H2O (N1), H+1 (N2,n2), OH-1 (N3,n3), HBrO3 (N4,n4), BrO3-1 (N5,n5), HBrO (N6,n6), BrO-1 (N7,n7), Br2 (N8,n8), Br3-1 (N9,n9), Br-1 (N10,n10), Na+1 (N11,n11)

And molar concentrations of the solutes are equal to
Charge balance
Linear combinations of the balances
The balances in terms of molar concentrations
Some remarks related to balances
Equilibrium data
Concluding remarks
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