
Conditions for improving the professional training of future social pedagogues are considered. Contradictions in the professional training of future social educators are analyzed. The results of a statement experiment are presented, which confirm the need to improve the professional training of future social educators. Thus, the majority (69%) of students showed a low level of readiness for professional activity; middle level - is 23%. Only 8% of students belong to a high level of professional readiness, which implies the following components: formation of clear plans for the realization of their own identity in the future; implementation of real practical steps to achieve them. Those students are characterized by social activity (participation in scientific competitions, projects, etc.) and an active attitude to one's own life; use of interest classes as a mechanism for implementing their plans; have formed a subjective position in the interaction and use rational their free time. The concept of "social and psychological conditions" is specified and the necessity of realization of such social and psychological conditions is substantiated. First, the inclusion of the future professional in various activities in which professional knowledge is acquired, skills are formed and, as a result, self-confidence emerges.
 These types of activities include volunteering in various organizations that solve socio-pedagogical problems, participation in international and domestic projects, organizations, student associations. Secondly, it is creating opportunities to attract various material resources, lobbying for socio-pedagogical work and attracting public attention to them. One of the methods that helped to implement these areas was the method of project creation and obtaining grants for their implementation. Learning to create socio-pedagogical projects, students get acquainted with the specifics of defining the purpose of projects, structure, tasks, principles of selection of project activities, the rules of preparing a project work plan and budget, improve skills to predict results and efficiency.
 Third, we identified the need to form a worldview of students, which involves the development of leadership skills, a positive attitude to life, a responsible attitude to their own mental and physical health.

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