
The 2006 Education Bill (Ley Orgánica de Educación-2006) identified 8 basic school competencies. One of these proposed improving information technology and digital skills. As a result, The Ministry of Education promoted the Escuela 2.0 Project, which recognised the importance of social networks as facilitators of two types of learning: the formal (curricular contents) and the informal (improving communication between teachers, parents and students through the creation of social links). The generalised use of Social Networks increases communication possibilities in education and platforms have sprung up ad hoc, for example: Edu 2.0, Ning, Elgg and Edublogs. Exploratory type qualitative research is carried out through questionnaires handed out to students in public and private education centres to learn about their usage of social networks and the importance that these have in the education sphere. The sample is made up of 97 4th and 5th Year Secondary School students from centres in the province of Alicante. Social Networks are the internet service most commonly used by young students. Neither students nor teachers use Social Networks for primarily educational objectives. Nevertheless, the students positively value their use for their practical type subjects and recognise their use as stimulating for learning. The research needs to continue to determine the brakes and barriers that prevent their general use in school (lack of IT resources, teacher training, lack of knowledge…). The value of this research shows that Social Networks have a general use as a communication tool for young people but its use in education is occurring at a different pace. An enormous potential exists for Social Networks in the education sphere.

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