
Marina V. Tumbinskaya - Associate Professor, Department of Information Protection Systems, Kazan National Research Technical University named after A.N. TupolevAddress: 10, Karl Marx Street, Kazan, 420111, Russian FederationE-mail: tumbinskaya@inbox.ru Currently, users of online social networks increasingly use them to promote business, distribute advertisements for goods and services, engage in leisure, hobbies, personal communication and information exchange. Thus, social networks have become an open source of information for malicious users. Hackers use various ways to implement attacks, one of which is the spread of unsolicited (targeted) information. Successful distribution of unsolicited information entails the implementation of an attack scenario and achievement of the hacker’s aim. In this regard, hackers have an interest in involving so-called social networking community leaders (users who have a high level of trust and influence among a large number of community users), who are able to successfully implement part of the attack scenario of the attacker. This article presents the results of the study in three situations: the user/potential hacker’s dissemination of targeted information on the social network, receipt of targeted information by users of the social network, and counteraction and prevention of the dissemination of targeted information on the social network. Experimental data are described and their analysis is presented. A method of protection from targeted information disseminated on social networks is identified, allowing for an increase in the level of protection of social network users’ personal data and personal information and ensuring the reliability of information. The results of the research will help prevent threats to information security, counteract attacks by hackers, who often use methods of competitive intelligence and social engineering through the use of countermeasures, develop a model of protection against targeted information and implement specialized software for its integration into social networks.

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