
The purpose of the study is a comprehensive analysis of the actions taken by the relevant Soviet authorities in Volyn in the period of the new economic policy (NEP), in order to eliminate the manifestations of different types of social anomalies. Objectives of the study: to determine the main forms of deviant behavior of certain categories of the population of Soviet Volyn and their manifestations during NEP; explore the ways and methods of the Soviet power's fight against them. The methodological basis of the study is general scientific (logical and comparative) and special historical methods (problem-chronological). They allowed us to determine the period in which social anomalies were investigated specifically, in chronological and logical sequence. Comparative analysis was used to study individual phenomena. The research is also based on the principles of science, historicism and objectivity. The Scientific Novelty. A comprehensive analysis of the problem of manifestations of social anomalies in the region in the period of NEP and ways of fighting them was made for the first time. New archival documents on this problem and materials of the periodicals of those years were put into scientific circulation. The study reflects an attempt to give an objective, impartial assessment of these phenomena and actions of the Soviet authorities in the defined period. The Conclusions . During the 1920s the new economic policy of the Soviet state was implemented in terms of increasing of the manifestations of various social anomalies. The struggle against them was performed in difficult socio-economic situation, where society found itself after the civil war. According to the analysis of archival sources, the Soviet authorities gave these processes ideological coloring and responded rigidly to open or hidden forms of struggle against it. These problems were caused by various factors, but first and foremost by the destructive processes in society itself and the Bolsheviks' struggle for the assertion of their power. In order to overcome certain negative social phenomena (drunkenness, hooch-making, prostitution), the authorities used both repressive methods of punishment and preventive-propaganda instruments. An in-depth study of social anomalies on the territory of Volyn province, such as child crime and begging, is relevant for further research on this issue.

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