
The article is devoted to the conflict in Donbass took place at the beginning of the NEP (New Economic Policy) period. This conflict is considered in terms of the general problem of interrelationships between Local and Central power bodies. The author shows, that this factor was the main driving force of the Donbass conflict. Human factor had only additional dramatic effect in this conflict. Even G. Pyatakov’s expelling from Donbass has not discarded contradictions between the "Center" and "Local power" in reference to mines leasing. As observed from a variety of historical sources, it went on though less acute forms during the subsequent period of the New Economic Policy (NEP). The similar situation was marked in the other branches of industry and in the other regions (provinces and counties) of the Ukrainian Socialist Soviet Republic (USSR). In spite of the very many-sided nature of the conflict, its inter-personal as well as subjective motivations, economic conflicts between ventral and local authorities became a very important component of it. The struggle of Local Power (Republican Departments) and Central one for the control over small commercial companies had been continuing during the whole NEP (New Economic Policy) period and had objectively progressive nature. However, the forces in this fight were too unequal. The problem, which hasn’t been solved correctly at the beginning of 1920s, resulted in an excessive centralization in the management of the Ukrainian industry as well as the rights restriction of the State power Local Bodies and the opportunities of Local Budgets. The autor concluads, that in spite of of transformations of political system, the problem of economical and finantional independace of the local authorities stays actual in more that hundred years after the described events.

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