
Objective. In the article the subject of the analysis is semi-phraseologized sentences with the value of an ironic negation. The purpose of the article is to characterize the specificity of semantic subtypes of semi-phraseologized sentences with the meaning of ironic negation as psycholinguistic units, to define their functions in the system of hierarchical relations «holistic act of speech activity – speech actions».
 Materials & Methods. In the article such methods are used as: descriptive method were used to characterize the components in the phras-scheme of semi-praseologized sentences, the modeling method – to create models of semi-praseologized sentences of ironically negation type. The associative experiment method has made it possible to find out the semantic characteristics of subtypes of ironically negation semi-phraseologized sentences in speech, to determine their expressive potential in different communicative situations.
 Results. The basis of semi-phraseologized sentences of the modern Ukrainian language is the phraseologized structural scheme, on which the fixed meaning does not depend on the specific lexical filling of structural components, since this value is idiomatic. The means of explicit manifestation of ironic negation in semi-phraseologized sentences are described. The mechanism of structuring such sentences is disclosed, one of their qualification features – stability has been analyzed and the effect on this feature of the morphological expression of the constant and variable components of the phrase-schemes is investigated. Interpretation of the semantics of semi-phraseologized sentences may be accompanied by some difficulties. In artistic text, this question compensates for the context, then dialogic speech does not always have enough questions and answers of the participants in the dialogue to perceive the idea adequately. Therefore, the meaning of a semi-phraseologized sentence is based on the speakers' background knowledge, associative parallels that the speaker can use. The author suggests to consider semi-phraseologized sentences as psycholinguistic units. The ordering of different semantic types and subtypes of semi-phraseologized sentences contributes to the optimality of speech, in particular, the dialogic conversational, adequate expression of thought, with the support on the thinking processes of the speaker, realizing it as the active subject of the communication process.
 Conclusions. The connotative shades in semantics of the ironic negation of semi-phraseologized sentences are traced. The means of expression of semi-phraseologized sentences with ironic negation, in particular the emphasis of the anaphoric modal component, are found. The implicit means of the ironic negation are determined: exclamation intonation, fixed sequence of components and the presence of the phraseologized connectivite complex.


  • Зарубіжні лінгвісти досліджували деякі типи та різновиди напівфразеологізованих речень: в англійській (Kay & Fillmore, 1999; Goldberg, 2000; Kemmer & Barlow, 2008), польській (Норман, 2007) та фінській мовах (Копотев, 2008)

  • Що напівфразеологізовані речення з іронічнозаперечним значенням як особливі психолінгвістичні одиниці насамперед діалогічного розмовного мовлення активізують мовленнєву діяльність, регулюють внутрішню та зовнішню поведінку одного із учасників спілкування, вважаючи його суб’єктом свого мовленнєвого впливу

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Зарубіжні лінгвісти досліджували деякі типи та різновиди напівфразеологізованих речень: в англійській (Kay & Fillmore, 1999; Goldberg, 2000; Kemmer & Barlow, 2008), польській (Норман, 2007) та фінській мовах (Копотев, 2008). Семантику деяких видів нечленованих фразеологізованих речень побіжно аналізували у наукових розвідках як зарубіжні, так й українські лінгвісти (Goldberg, 2000; Копотев, 2008; Личук, 2014; Ситар, 2011, 2014). У нечленованих фразеологізованих реченнях основним є модусний компонент, оскільки він супроводжує всі реалізації будь-якого виду фразеологізованого речення в мовленні.

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