
Abstract. Personal and professional development is essential for the teaching profession. This development shall provide the formation of education as a social value. A significant role in the development of the professional competence of a teacher is self-educational activities. The article indicates a certain study of the issue, there are the names of scientists in the article who are revealing the essence of the concepts of "competence", "professional competence", "self-education". It is emphasized on the contradictions arising between the socially determined requirements for increasing the professional competence of a teacher and the organization of self-educational activities of teachers in the educational institutions and the need to create conditions in the institution of general secondary education to organize the self-educational activities of a teacher.
 Under the analysis of theory and practice concerning the research problem, the main components, forms of self-educational activity are determined: educational, scientific-methodical, scientific-research. Forms of self-education of teachers are defined: individual, which is regulated by the teacher according to his needs and administrative, which is organized by administration of educational institution to create conditions for organization of self-educational activities of teacher. The basic principles of self-education activities of teachers are identified as follows: integrity, practical orientation, mobility, self-organization and self-realization. The conditions which improve and encourage the self-education are clarified: organizational-pedagogical, psychological, scientific-methodological, technological and normative-legal.
 Particular attention in the article is paid to the definition of criteria for assessing the quality of the conditions for the organization of self-educational activities, which are presented in the form of a qualimetric model. It is noted that the application of the qualimetric approach to assess the quality of the conditions of the
 organization shall provide an increase in the level of self-educational activity as a means of developing the professional competence of a teacher.


  • professional development is essential for the teaching profession

  • This development shall provide the formation of education as a social value

  • The article indicates a certain study of the issue

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САМООСВІТА ЯК ЗАСІБ РОЗВИТКУ ПРОФЕСІЙНОЇ КОМПЕТЕНТНОСТІ ПЕДАГОГА Наголошено на суперечностях, які виникають між соціально детермінованими вимогами до підвищення професійної компетентності педагога й організацією самоосвітньої діяльності вчителів у закладах освіти та необхідністю створення умов у закладі загальної середньої освіти для організації самоосвітньої діяльності педагога. Визначено форми самоосвіти педагогічних працівників: індивідуальна, що регламентована самим учителем залежно від усвідомлених ним потреб, і адміністративна, що організована адміністрацією закладу освіти й полягає у створенні умов для організації самоосвітньої діяльності педагога.

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