
The article substantiates the scientific and methodological support of educating the future teacher’s personality in terms of creating a health-preserving environment of high school: criteria with relevant indicators: motivational-value (formation of motivation and value orientations), cognitive (health-preserving knowledge, skills and abilities), procedural-activity (mastering of technologies, methods and means of health-preserving activity), practical (development of motor skills, self-esteem, activity, correction of own behavior), the levels of education of the future teacher in terms of creating a healthy environment of high school: high, sufficient, secondary, low.Structure of the model of education of the personality of the future teacher in the healthy environment of the high school, which consists of a target, substantive, procedural and control-effective block, each of which combines in its content structural components. The target block includes the social order, purpose, tasks, theoretical and methodological approaches, principles of education of the future teacher’s personality. The content block includes the content of educating the future teacher’s personality in the conditions of creating a healthy environment for higher education and educational and methodological support, which includes academic disciplines. The procedural block covers the stages of technology implementation, methods, forms, means of educating the personality of the future specialist. The control-performance block includes criteria, indicators and levels of education of the future teacher’s personality in the conditions of creating a healthy environment of high school as a result.Characterized the complex of organizational-pedagogical conditions of upbringing of a future teacher’s personality in a healthy environment of high school as a complex of structural components of a holistic educational system are interrelated: create healthy environment in higher education, the education of the healthy personality competence of future teacher of high school, developing innovative wellness climate in a team of teachers and future teachers of high school, introduction in educational process of high school training and methodological support and methods of its realization during the upbringing of a future teacher’s personality.

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