
A teacher is believed to have a significant role in shaping the future and guiding the younger generation in the right direction. And no doubt, this is the foundation for the prosperity and social advancement of any nation. Thus, we can say that the teacher makes a huge contribution to the development of the person, society, nation, and the entire world. TheNational Education Policy (NEP) 2020, in its recommendations, clearly states that teachers must be enthusiastic, focused, professionally qualified, and equipped to teach students at all levels.However, if the recent research studies in Teacher Education (TE) are examined, it would be noticed that India observes various challenges in teacher education that include designing uniform curricula for teachers, identifying and preparing qualified and qualitative teachers, preparing teachers to cater to the diverse needs of 21st-century learners, changing roles, multi-culturalism, competency-based teaching and assessment, etc. Such hindrance creates a lot of hurdles in bringing quality not only to the TE but also to the entire education system. The 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, which were endorsed by all UN Member States in 2015, provide a shared path forward for peace and prosperity for people and the environment both now and in the future. By reducing poverty and other forms of deprivation among people, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG, 2030) seek to promote global peace and prosperity by improving health, education, the environment, and economic growth. At its heart, 17 goals are decided in a global partnership. If the objectives are carefully followed, it will become clear that all of the goals are achievable provided we have a robust educational system created by qualified human resources.A teacher can make the child understand the concerns of crises like hunger, poverty, discrimination, inequalities, consumption and production, peace, justice, and global climate change.Hence, the author of this paper believes that it is very important to find the linkages between the components of sustainable development and TE. In this paper, the authorexamined the need and significance of one of the key variables of TE i.e. 'accountability', and its relevance as a chief component in achieving the goals of SDG, 2030. To accomplish this, the authorexamined over 35 studies that addressed the topic. After a thorough examination and analysis of the published literature, it was discovered that the majority of academic work views accountability more frequently as a moral commitment, responsibility, and community duty. However, now is the moment to examine accountability from a broader angle, considering how it relates to sustainability. Further, this article also highlights various models of accountability that could serve as a roadmap for achieving the SDG 2030 goals. As a submission by the author, this paper advocates to pursue and maintain the process of establishing a democratic voice in educationthat is aligned with global goals. The author promotesthe idea of ‘Democratic Accountability’ in TE as one of the ways of achieving sustainability. Democratic Accountability ensures that leaders and institutions are transparent, responsive, and answerable to the people they serve. And in TE, it refers to teacher educators being open, receptive, and accountable to prospective teachers.So in a way, to achieve the 17 goals of SDG, teacher educators may exercise democratic accountability for making adequate academic preparation, continued professional growth, knowledge of and concern for their students, ethical conduct, active participation in community affairs, communication, involvement in educational and social concerns so on and so forth. Once teacher educators practice it, it will automatically be instilled in the student teachers. Such quality in future teachers will increase the likelihood of a democratic and sustainable environment in school education.The author concludes by arguing that democratic accountability in teacher education is essential for preparing teacher educators and future teachers who can support inclusive, moral, and values-based education, encourage civic engagement and critical thinking and act as change agents within and outside of their communities. Not only this, it also guarantees that the knowledge and abilities of the next generation are prepared to tackle the difficult problems of a sustainable future and harmonize teacher education with democratic ideals.

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