
The architectural appearance of Banská Štiavnica in the Romanesque period, especially its older developmental stages, is still not clear to us from an architectural or urban planning point of view. Since the declaration of the city as a Preserved Area (since 1950), much architectural-historical research has been carried out, which enables the summarization of new knowledge in the context of urban development. The current identifi cation and documentation of the oldest houses of burghers and miners followed up on previous research carried out in the 1980s and 1990s, which, however, lacked consistent documentation and interpretation. Although the results of our research still do not allow a complete identifi cation of the oldest buildings in the entire assumed urban area, this study presents the results of research into the architectural- and urban-historical development of the prosperous mining town of Banská Štiavnica during the Middle Ages. URL: https://www.upjs.sk/filozoficka-fakulta/katedra-historie/10984/

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