
Effects of particle temperature and velocity on crystallinity and phase composition of WC-Co coating are successfully decoupled. The effect of grit size on the dissolution and decarburization process is established analytically. The nanostructured coatings were found to be less crystalline than their conventional counterpart for similar in-flight parameters. The cooling rate and the degree of carbide dissolution in the binder phase govern the crystallinity of the as-sprayed coatings. An increase in either of these factors results in a higher degree of amorphization of as-sprayed coatings. The phases present in the coating were quantified, and correlated with particle temperature and velocity independently. The degree of decarburization increased with an increase in particle temperature. The calculated change in Gibbs free energy justified these observations. The effect of particle velocity on crystallinity or phase composition was not significant. The nano hardness of the carbide grits was increased with particle temperature owing to the formation of a hard W2C phase. Similarly, the dissolution of carbides in the binder and the formation of the Co3W9C4 phase increased the binder hardness. The energy analysis revealed brittleness of the binder matrix increased significantly with deposition temperature owing to the formation of the Co3W9C4 phase.

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