The objective of this study was to assess the effect of biochar soil amendment (BSA) on chemical and microbial properties in different agricultural soils in Vojvodina Prov?ince. Short-term pot experiment consisted of five biochar application doses (0, 0.5, 1, 2, and 3%) and five contrasting soil types (Mollic Gleysol, Eutric Cambisol, Calcaric Fluvisol, Gleyic Chernozem, and Haplic Chernozem), planted with sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) and winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). The examined chemical and microbial properties were significantly influenced by soil type and interaction of experimental factors. Significant influence of biochar on the contents of calcium carbonate (CaCO3), total nitrogen (N), total carbon (C), soil organic carbon (SOC), humus and potassium (K) of the tested soils was observed. Biochar also significantly affected the number of azotobacters (AZB), fungi (FNG), actino?mycetes (ACT) and copiotrophic bacteria (CB). The effect of BSA varied depending on the applied dose, with higher values of the examined chemical and microbial parameters at higher doses of application. Further studies on using biochar in soils with low fertility will be neces?sary to establish its efficiency as an enhancer for agricultural production in Serbia.
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