
The relevant monument protection service has already been involved in the restoration of the Praetorian Palace in Koper for several decades. The building, which is among the most important examples of formal urban architecture created in the area of north-western I stria under Venetian influence, is also the most important historical and architectural monument in one of the most beautiful Mediterranean urban sites in Slovenia. Although the building is situated in the very heart of the town, it was empty for a number of years, and in 1972, was even threatened with destruction, so it was then fundamently restored structurally and its main facade renovated. One of the main problems of the renovation of the palace has been the search for a suitable function which could ensure the revitalisation and renovation of the palace. The creation and building development of the Praetorian Palace in the central town square is connected with its historical administrative and formal functions. Only a similar role and function and a suitable place in the renovation of the buildings surrounding the square can ensure succesful renovation. The Inter-municipal Institute for the Protection of the Natural and Cultural Heritage Piran (MZVNKD Piran) produced conservation documentation which provided the basis for preparing project documentation for the renovation of the Praetorian Palace for the needs of a Town Hall. The author summarises the content of the monument protection reports and highlights various kinds of research work, including historical, archeological, architectural, exploratory restoration and art history which MZVNKD Piran has conducted since the beginning of the 1990s. The results of this research have enriched historical knowledge about this very important Koper cultural and historical monument. The historical development of the architectural complex of the palace and its important historical layers have been demonstrated by important architectural finds and so, on the basis of the results of the research work, establishing a monument protection strategy of renovation has enabled the monument protection service creatively to understand and prepare project documentation, which means an interpretation of the monument substance, on the basis of Venetian gothic formal architecture for todays needs.

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