
REGULACAO ECONOMICA, POLITICAS DE FOMENTO E COVID-19: Analise DO PAGAMENO DE BENEFICIO DO PROGRAMA Emergencial de Preservacao do Emprego e da Renda instituido pelas medidas provisorias 935 e 936 ECONOMIC REGULATION, PROMOTION POLICIES AND COVID-19: ANALYSIS OF THE BENEFIT PAYMENT OF THE EMERGENCY EMPLOYMENT PRESERVATION PROGRAM AND INCOME INSTITUTED BY PROVISIONAL MEASURES 935 AND 936 Data da submissao: 01/11/21 Data da aprovacao: 20/11/21 RESUMO: A atuacao da Administracao Publica durante a pandemia do COVID-19 capaz de conformar atraves de politicas de fomento o exercicio da atividade economica de modo a atender a realizacao dos fins sociais protegidos pela ordem juridico-constitucional e o tema posto em debate. Para tanto, analisa-se de forma conjunta as politicas publicas adotadas pelo governo federal atraves das medidas provisorias 935 e 936, de modo a verificar, se as medidas adotadas relativas ao pagamento de beneficio sao capazes de proteger os principios liberais, mas igualmente, de atender os valores sociais da ordem economica. PALAVRAS-CHAVES: Regulacao economica; politica publica; fomento; programa emergencial; medida provisoria. ABSTRACT: The performance of Public Administration during the pandemic of COVID-19, capable of shaping the exercise of economic activity through policies to foster the achievement of social ends protected by the legal-constitutional order is the topic discussed. To this end, the public policies adopted by the federal government are jointly analyzed through provisional measures 935 and 936, in order to verify whether the measures adopted regarding the payment of benefits are capable of protecting the liberal principles, but also, of meet the social values of the economic order. KEYWORDS: Economic regulation; public policy; promotion; emergency program; provisional measure.

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