
A APLICACAO DAS SANCOES DO NOVO MARCO LEGAL DO SANEAMENTO BASICO AOS CONTRATOS EM CURSO THE APPLICATION OF SANCTIONS IN THE NEW LEGAL FRAMEWORK OF BASIC SANITATION TO CURRENT CONTRACTS Data da submissao: 01/01/2020 Data da aprovacao: 28/11/2020 RESUMO : analisa o sistema sancionatorio inaugurado pelo novo marco legal do saneamento que, inexistente no anterior, preve sancoes para aqueles prestadores deste servico que inobservarem a meta de universalizacao legalmente fixada, discutindo se a aplicacao dessas novas previsoes aos contratos em curso nao representaria ofensa ao instituto do direito adquirido. Para isso, expoe quais sao as metas e as respectivas sancoes trazidas pela legislacao, inclusive a sua forma de aplicacao para, na sequencia, analisar a incidencia destas questoes aos contratos vigentes sob o enfoque do direito adquirido, o qual e analisado a luz da teoria classica de Carlos Fernando Gabba. A frente, verifica que a garantia de condicoes minimas de saneamento e criterio elementar para a condicao humana, a partir do que se analisa eventual inaplicablidade das sancoes do novo regramento aos contratos de saneamento em curso, mediante o sopesamento dos limites da protecao ao direito adquirido frente ao principio da dignidade humana. PALAVRAS-CHAVE : Saneamento Basico; Universalizacao; Direito Administrativo Sancionador; Principio da Dignidade da Pessoa Humana; Limites ao Direito Adquirido. ABSTRACT : analyzes the sanctioning system inaugurated by the new legal framework for sanitation, which, non-existent in the previous one, provides for sanctions for those providers of this service who fail to observe the goal of universalization legally set, discussing whether the application of these new forecasts to ongoing contracts would not be an offense to the institute of the vested right. To do so, it sets out what the goals and the respective sanctions brought by the legislation are, including how they are applied to, subsequently, analyze the incidence of these issues to the current contracts under the focus of the acquired right, which is analyzed in the light of theory Carlos Fernando Gabba's classic. Ahead, it verifies that the guarantee of minimum conditions of sanitation is an elementary criterion for the human condition, from which it analyzes the eventual inapplicability of the sanctions of the new regulation to the ongoing sanitation contracts, by weighing the limits of the protection to the acquired right against the principle of human dignity. KEYWORDS : Sanitation; Universalization; Administrative Sanctioning Law; Principle of the Dignity of the Human Person; Limits to the Acquired Right.

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