The large Caribbean muricid originally named Murex asperrimus Lamarck, 1822 (non Gmelin, 1791), and illustrated by Kiener (1881), like many mollusks named in that era, was only given the general locality of “West Indes” in its description. The actual locality of this large and impressive taxon was never published, and it became a lost taxon. Since it was obscure, and specimens were not commonly known it has been unceremoniously synonymized with Phyllonotus pomum (Gmelin, 1791) (see Abbott, 1974). Recently, five specimens of this lost taxon were live collected in the Dominican Republic, ranging in length from 73.8 to 87.0 mm. This taxonomic note removes the taxon from synonymy, elevates it to full species level as Phyllonotus asperrimus (Lamarck, 1822), and fixes its type locality as the Dominican Republic
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