
The results of the vegetative experiment on the establishment of the joint effect of the biological preparation Rhizotorphin and N-fertilizer (doses N0.05, N0.10, N0.15, N0.20, N0.25) on the formation of vegetative mass and the yield of seed pea grain when cultivated on weakly and medium cultivated sod-podzolic soil are presented. With an increase in the dose of N-fertilizer from N0.05 to N0.25, an increase in the yield of green mass of peas was observed by 3.4–22.2 g/vessel (on poorly cultivated) and by 10.3–35.5 g/vessel (on medium cultivated soil). The increase in grain yield from the use of Rhizotorphin on average in the experiment was 1.31 g/vessel on weakly and 1.66 g/vessel on medium cultivated soil. The application of N-fertilizer in medium cultivated soil conditions increased the responsiveness of seeded peas to inoculation to 1.70–1.87 g/vessel. When using Rhizotorphin and applying N-fertilizer, the accumulation of N in pea grain increased by 0.22 and 0.18% in accordance with the degree of cultivation of the soil. When using Rhizotorphin, N was accumulated in the roots, which positively affected the preservation of their activity and functioning at later stages of development, the intake and accumulation of N in the forming grain. The biological preparation Rhizotorphin influenced the accumulation and distribution of consumed N between the main and by-products of pea plants. Due to this, in the budding phase – the beginning of flowering, the dose increased to 0.83–0.88, and 38.0–65.5 mg N/vessel was additionally accumulated in the pea grain. With an increase in the dose of N-fertilizer over 0.05 g/kg on weakly and 0.20 g/kg on medium cultivated soil, the process of forming a symbiotic apparatus on the root system of peas was completely suppressed.

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