Background: Red blood cell(RBC) histogram provide an idea about morphological changes of red blood cells in hematological disorders. Peripheral smear examination findings are usually correlated with complete blood cell counts by automated analyzer. To known the utility and advantage of red cell histogram and correlation of microscopic examination of peripheral smear with automated histogram pattern. Methods: Blood sample was collected from 220 anemia patients in ethylene diamine tetra acetic acid (EDTA) tubes for peripheral smear examination and ran in Beckman coulter LH 780 automated hematology analyzer for obtaining histogram, complete blood count includes hemoglobin, total leucocyte count, Platelet count, red blood cell indices and red cell distribution width. This study was undertaken for a period of one month of November 2016 in department of pathology, central laboratory, narayana medical college & hospital, Nellore. Results: This study of histograms of 220 different types of anemia consisted predominantly females 154 (70%) , and males 64(30%) . Maximum cases of anemia were noted in 30-40 years of age range. Microcytic hypo chromic anemia was the most common (63.63%) followed by normocytic normochromic anemia (19.4%), macrocytic hypochromic anemia (2.2%), dimorphic anemia (12.72%) and pancytopenia (1.8%). Left shifted curve and broad base mostly seen in microcytic anemia, right shift curve seen in macrocytic anemia and bimodal peak mostly seen in dimorphic anemia. Conclusion: Histogram can be used as an important screening test for hematology and can become a new parameter in the diagnosis of anemia though peripheral examination remains the definitive diagnostic test for evaluation. DOI: 10.21276/APALM.1468
Evaluation of anemia for diagnosis and management of various red blood cell (RBC)disorders through red blood cell histogram is a vital part
1:2.3 range (Table-1).All cases had anemia with hemoglobin less than 12 gm/dl. All these cases consists of Normocytic normochromic anemia, Microcytic hypochromic anemia, dimorphic anemia and pancytopenia were diagnosed by peripheral smear
In our study 43 (19.54%) cases are normocytic normochromic anemia, 140(63.63%) cases are of microcytic hypochromic anemia, 5 (2.2%) cases are of macrocytic anemia and 28(12.72%) cases are of dimorphic anemia
Evaluation of anemia for diagnosis and management of various red blood cell (RBC)disorders through red blood cell histogram is a vital part. Complete blood count parameters like red cell distribution width (RDW) and mean corpuscular volume (MCV) are useful along with histogram for interpretation of abnormal red blood cell morphology.[1,2] The Normal Red cell distribution curve is a bell shape and curve peak should be within the normal MCV of 80.0-100.0fl. In megaloblastic anemia where the red blood cells are larger, the histogram curve will shift to right and the curve will move to left if the cells are smaller than normal like in microcytic anemia. In dimorphic anemia the histogram curve may show multiple peaks due to two distinct red cell populations.After treatment of the cause of an anemia curve should move toward the normal range.Even when. Peripheral smear examination findings are usually correlated with complete blood cell counts by automated analyzer. To known the utility and advantage of red cell histogram and correlation of microscopic examination of peripheral smear with automated histogram pattern
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