
Background: Red Blood Cell (RBC) histogram is a graphic representation of particle size distribution (cell frequencies verses size). RBC histogram with complete blood cell counts by automated analyser provides an idea about morphological changes of red blood cells in anaemias. Peripheral smear examination (PBS) helps in diagnosing different types of anaemias by visualizing abnormal shape and size, arrangement and immature red cells. This study was intended to analyze various types of anemia in pregnant women and to correlate RBC indices, RBC histogram with peripheral smear. Aims and Objectives: 1) To Correlate RBC indices, RBC histogram with peripheral smear in anemic pregnant women. 2) To categorize the type of anemia based on RBC indices, histogram and peripheral smear. Materials and Methods: Venous blood sample was run in SYSMEX XNL/350 six-part analyser. The haematological investigations of CBC, red blood cell indices (MCV, MCH, MCHC) and RBC histogram were obtained by analyser. Peripheral blood smear study was performed. Results: The present study included 55 cases among which in decreasing order of frequency, NNA (50.9%) was more common followed by MHA (40%), macrocytic anaemia (3.63%) and dimorphic anaemia (5.45%), as categorized by peripheral smear examination. Analysis by erythrocyte indices and histogram showed similar findings except in normocytic, microcytic and dimorphic which were 13.63%, 32.14% and 1.8% respectively. The correlation was done between the diagnosis made by the two methods which showed 76% concordance and discordance of 23.63%. Conclusion: Findings of the present study shows automated analyzer correlated well with PBS in cases of macrocytic and dimorphic anemia, compared to normocytic normochromic and microcytic hypochromic anaemia. As, RBC histogram with RBC indices and PBS are supplementary to each other, both should be used in conjunction for accurate diagnosis.

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