
Since Muhammed Riza Pehlevi's dynasty, (1940-1977), especially between 1958- 1978, we are witnesses to effording to form identity by Iranian painters in Iranian painting as in other areas of the arts. Hossein Zenderoudi and Faranarz Pilaram are the rst examples we can give. The early 1960s, intense discussions were made on the identity in the elds of art and in this context, artists have tried their rst products in traditional trends. These traditional trends gaves the rst fruit as Saghakhane School. While Sadegh Tabrizi's miniature, Masoud Arabshahi's Ornamental interactive experiments were going on, in parallel with the inuencing progress of the artists of abstract expressionist art, the classical understanding of Calligraphy in Iran, ornaments and decorative surface and creating an image of the carpet-rug patterns are seen in the effects. Traditional trends which was appeared as a formal and internalized in the following process and affected on creations of young artists' generation after 1970 period.

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