
D-Glucose (5 × 10–3M) has been γ-irradiated in N2O–O2(80 : 20 v/v) saturated aqueous solutions (dose rate 1.1 × 1015 eV g–1 s–1), and the G values of 22 products determined. Major products (G values in parentheses) are : D-gluconic acid (1)(0.9). D-arabino-hexosulose (2)(0.9). D-ribo-hexos-3-ulose (3)(0.57), D-xylo-hexos-4-ulose (4)(0.50), D-xylo-hexos-5-ulose (5)(0.60). D-gluco-hexodialdose (6)(1.55), and L-threo-tetrodialdose (12)(0.20). Products (1)–(6) are thought to be formed by OH attack at C-1–C-6, followed by oxygen addition and and HO2 elimination. In competition, reactions between the glucose peroxyl radicals and HO2·(O2–·) give rise to fragmentation of C–C bonds. The major product from these fragmentation reactions is (12)(precursor. radical at C-5). From a dose rate study using electron pulses from a van de Graaff generator it has been shown that the rates of HO2· elimination are in the order: C-1 C-2, C-3, C-4 > C-6 C-5. Furthermore, it has been calculated that OH radicals abstract a hydrogen atom from C-1 and C-2 with a probability of ca. 20%. from C-3 and C-4 of ca. 10% from C-5 of ca. 15%, and from C-6 ca. 30%.

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