
This paper deals with interactions between metric quasiconformal geometry and the rigidity of Anosov flows. In the first part of this article, we study a canonical time change of Anosov flows. Then we use it to obtain the thorough classification of volume-preserving quasiconformal Anosov flows. Given a $C^\infty$ Anosov flow $\varphi$, it is well-known that along the leaves of its strong unstable foliation there are two natural distances: the Hamenst$\ddot {\rm a}$dt distance and the induced Riemannian distance. In general these two distances are H$\ddot{\rm o}$lder equivalent. We prove the following rigidity result about quasisymmetric equivalence: Let $\varphi: M\to M$ be a $C^\infty$ transversely symplectic Anosov flow with $C^1$ weak distributions. We suppose that ${\rm dim}M\geq 5$. &nbsp If over a leaf of the strong unstable foliation, the Hamenst$\ddot{\rm a}$dt distance is quasisymmetric equivalent to the Riemannian distance, then up to finite covers $\varphi$ is $C^\infty$ orbit equivalent either to the geodesic flow of a closed hyperbolic manifold, or to the suspension of an Anosov automorphism.

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