
The article is devoted to public speaking and its varieties in educational institutions. The author characterize public speaking as a genre of speech activity. In turn, the authors of the article understand academic public speaking, which is an integral part of pedagogical activity, as the oratory activity of a teacher who popularizes the achievements of science. The author of the article emphasize that the speech of teachers requires mastering the norms of the literary language, terminology, standard speech constructions in the field of education and the ability to use language means in accordance with the purpose and situation of communication. The relevance of the study is determined by the need to outline the normativity and correctness of pedagogical speech. It has been established that lectures and reports are the types of academic speech in educational institutions. The purpose of the article is to identify the mistakes made by educators in the preparation and delivery of lectures and to suggest ways to overcome them. The object of the study is academic public speaking, and the subject is its normativity and correctness of professional speech. The following components are distinguished in the structure of teachers’ public speech: cognitive, communicative and operational, expressive. The cognitive component is related to the knowledge of the norms of the modern Ukrainian literary language, including accent, vocabulary, syntax, stylistics, and professional terminology. The communicative-operational component ensures the use of language means in accordance with the purpose, conditions and situation of communication; as well as the possession of basic professional speech skills necessary for work in teaching positions. In turn, the expressive component is responsible for mastery of extralinguistic means of communication, i.e. melody, phrasal emphasis, pauses, rhythm, tempo, and voice power. Particular attention is paid to the effective presentation of presentations, which have become an integral part of the modern educational process.

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