
Introducao: A articulacao do ensino formal das ciencias com o nao formal e vista como uma estrategia pouco interessante por alguns professores, pais e alunos. Ainda impera a cultura de que o processo de ensino/aprendizagem nao deve sair do estritamente estabelecido no programa oficial, muito centrado na memorizacao de tecnicas de resolucao de exercicios, como formula do sucesso nas avaliacoes internas e externas (exames nacionais). Objetivos: Tomando como referencia o Clube de Ensino Experimental das Ciencias (CEEC) da Escola Secundaria Dr. Julio Martins de Chaves, em Portugal, este trabalho tem como principal objetivo apresentar a metodologia desenvolvida no clube bem como alguns dos projetos desenvolvidos. Metodos: A metodologia de ensino assenta na articulacao do ensino experimental das ciencias, baseado no desenvolvimento de projetos e de atividades ilustrativas com os topicos dos programas oficiais de Fisica e Quimica. Resultados: A metodologia de aprendizagens ativa adotada no CEEC tem levado a um envolvimento significativo dos alunos nas atividades do clube com um impacto muito positivo no desempenho escolar dos alunos participantes. Conclusoes: A estrategia metodologica tem-se revelado eficaz ao nivel da motivacao dos alunos pelas ciencias e da melhoria dos resultados escolares.


  • The articulation of formal education with non-formal science education is seen as an uninteresting strategy by some teachers, parents and students

  • Traditional teacher-centred pedagogy is generally defined as a style in which the teacher assumes primary responsibility for the communication of knowledge to students and is centred in their expertise and authority in the classroom based upon a model of an active teacher and a passive student

  • The Experimental Science Teaching Club (ESTC) has emerged to fill the gap in formal education with regard to linking content with the real world, and because a significant number of students expressed an interest in deepening experimental knowledge related to the school program and day-to-day life (Teixeira & Soares, 2010, 2015; Teixeira, Soares, & Caramelo 2015)

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In Portugal the discipline of Physics and Chemistry is the discipline with the worst results in national exams. Traditional teacher-centred pedagogy is generally defined as a style in which the teacher assumes primary responsibility for the communication of knowledge to students and is centred in their expertise and authority in the classroom based upon a model of an active teacher and a passive student. The Experimental Science Teaching Club (ESTC) has emerged to fill the gap in formal education with regard to linking content with the real world, and because a significant number of students expressed an interest in deepening experimental knowledge related to the school program and day-to-day life (Teixeira & Soares, 2010, 2015; Teixeira, Soares, & Caramelo 2015). The ESTC is a low-cost project with a student-centred pedagogy, non-formal, facultative, open to the community and to the students and/or teachers initiatives. The main purposes of this work are to present the methodology used in ESTC, the typology of the activities developed, to show the impact of ESTC on students, teachers and community and to present some projects that explore active learning, some of them with social impact

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