
Relevance: in order to implement the effective personal self-realization of the future skilled worker, there is a need for the system of professional (vocational) education to follow the changes in the sphere of work, respond to the economic situation in the country, the structure of the market of professions, the demand for new competences. All this requires a significant increase in the degree of flexibility of this education system, creation of fundamentally new forms of its interaction with the labor market, employers and their active participation in its further and future development.
 Purpose: to carry out theoretical and methodological substantiation of the system of professional training of future skilled workers in the professional (vocational) education schools on the basis of modular competence approach.
 Methods: theoretical analysis, study of regulatory documents, analysis of curricula – to find out the state of development of the problem and determine the directions of research; comparison – to study different scientific perspectives on the problem; analysis and synthesis – to develop criteria and indicators of the readiness of future skilled workers to carry out professional activities on a modular basis; systematization and generalization – to formulate conclusions.
 Results: the essential characteristics of module competence training are revealed, its peculiarities and main aspects are characterized, which create the proper conditions for the formation of key competences and suc- cessful training of future skilled workers, the development of their creative cognitive activity and independence in terms of modular mastery of professional activity.
 Conclusions: in the implemented professional training of future skilled workers, based on modular com- petence, there is a complex development of skills and knowledge within the framework of formation of the specific competence of the individual, which ensures the fulfillment of the specific labor function and reflects the requirements of the modern labor market.

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