
The purpose of this study was to examine how the production of Maggot BSF (Black Solder Faly) in chicken manure media. This research was carried out in the BSF maggot cage in Jurit Village, East Lombok, in August-December 2020, the experiment consisted of Chicken Manure which was the main feed for maggots. Then, its growth was observed. The results of this study indicate that the growth of maggots (BSF) is good with chicken manure/manure feed, so that farmers can make good use of the chicken manure. In addition to the sufficient availability of chicken manure, it also does not compete with human needs, so that people in Jurit village are very easy. get chicken manure from local cages, because of the many studies that we have tried the most available and do not need to be purchased for magot feed, namely chicken manure, so that magot/BSF can grow well. The conclusion of this study is the conclusion of this study that the production of BSF maggot using Chicken Manure is good, so that farmers no longer need to look for sources of maggot feed, such as fruit waste, vegetable waste and other waste. take advantage of the manure/menus of the chickens they raise, thereby reducing the expenditure of purchasing feed for both animal feed and magot feed itself. Keywords: Magot BSF, Chicken Menu, Production, Feed

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