
The article presents the results of research on studying the influence of plant standing density and level of mineral fertilization on the productivity of sugar maize of hybrid Moreland F1 on sod-podzolic soils under conditions of Ivano-Frankivsk region. It was found that the highest field germination of seeds was observed in the variant with application of mineral fertilizers in the dose N135P90K125+N60+N30, and the lowest - in the control without fertilizers. Application of mineral fertilizers was favorable for better plant survival, which was 82.5-84.9%. The best indices of harvest structure were provided by the crops of sugar maize under agro-technical complex with nutrition background N135P90K125+ N60+ N30 and plant density 60 thousand/ha, namely: quantitative yield of grain from the commodity cob - 445.2 pieces; dimensions of commodity cob without covers - 17.1 cm in length and 4.3 cm in diameter; weight of commodity cob - in covers 181.6, without covers - 138.7 g; mass yield of grain from the commodity cob - 65.5 g. The highest level of crop yield was achieved with fertilization background N135P90K125+N60+N30 and plant density of 70 thousand/ha, namely 5.56 t/ha. Keywords: Sugar maize; Plant standing density; Mineral fertilizers; Yield References Vihrachov V. M., Berdin, S. I. (2010). Use of modeling to optimize the density of corn stalks for silage using natural soil fertility. Visnik Sumskogo NAU, seriya “Agronomiya i biologiya“, 4 (19), - P. 67-71. Pysarenko V. A., Lavrynenko Yu. O., Pysarenko P. V. (1999). Ways to improve corn technology for grain irrigation under conditions of the Southern Steppe of Ukraine. Ahrarnyi visnyk Prychornomor’ia: Zbirnyk naukovykh prats. Silskohospodarski nauky. Odesa, 3 (6), II, - P. 63-67. Hlushko T. V. (2010). Yields of corn hybrids of different groups of ripeness on grain depending on the background of nutrition and biological products. Zroshuvane zemlerobstvo. Zbirnyk naukovykh prats. Kherson: Ailant, V. 55, - P. 15-27. Tsykov V. S. (1998). Corn - for food and industrial purposes. Propozytsiia, V. 7, - P. 20-23. Radchenko M. V., Butenko A. O., Glupak Z. I. (2018). Effect of fertilizer system and efficiency of growth regulator on buckwheat productivity in the conditions of the northeastern forest-steppe of Ukraine. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology. 8(2), N€. 89-94. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15421/2018_314. Zhuzhukin V. I. (1992). Sugar corn s a promising vegetable crop. Stepnye prostory, V. 5, - P. 32-38. Karpenko O. Yu., Rozhko V. M., Butenko A. O., Masyk I. M., Malynka L. V., Didur I. M., Vereshchahin I. V., Chyrva A. S., Berdin S. I. (2019). Post-harvest siderates impact on the weed littering of maize, 2019, 9(3), 300-303. DOI: 10.15421 / 2019_745 Skubytskyi I. I. (1994). Corn reaction. V. 79-80, - P. 16-21. Litvinov D. V., Butenko A. O., Onychko V. I., Onychko T. O., Malynka L. V., Masyk I. M., Bondarieva L. M., Ihnatieva O. L. (2019). Parameters of biological circulation of phytomass and nutritional elements in crop rotations. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 9(3), 92-98. DOI: 10.15421 / 2019_714 Marenichenko M. V. (2005). Influence of plant standing density and nutritional background on corn yield on hybridization plots. Biuleten Instytutu zernovoho hospodarstva UAAN, V. 23-24, - P. 65-68. Butenko A. O., Sobko M. G., Ilchenko V. O., Radchenko M. V., Hlupak Z. I., Danylchenko L. M., Tykhonova O. M. (2019). Agrobiological and ecological bases of productivity increase and genetic potential implementation of new buckwheat cultivars in the conditions of the Northeastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 9 (1), - P. 162-168. Lytvynov S. S. (2011). Methods of field experience in vegetable growing. Moskva: RASHN VNIIO, 650 N€. Bondarenko H. L., Yakovenko K. I. (2001). Methodology of experimental business in vegetable growing and melons. Kharkiv: Osnova, 366 p. Abramenko V. H., Malychenko L. P. (1966). Features of biology and agricultural engineering of sweet corn during irrigation in the northern partof theVolga-Akhtuba flood plain. Ediblecorn. Moskva, - P. 28-32. Lykhochvor V. V., Prots R. R. (2002). Maize. Lviv: NVF "Ukrainski tekhnolohii", 48 N€. Kolisnyk O. M., Butenko A. O., Malynka L. V., Masik I. M., Onychko V. I., Onychko T. O., Kriuchko L. V., Kobzhev O. M. (2019). Adaptive properties of maize forms for improvement in the ecological status of fields. Ukrainian Journal of Ecology, 2019, 9(2), - P. 33-37. Pashchenko Yu. M. (2010). Corn sugar - hybrids, cultivation technology, seed production: scientific and methodological recommendations. Dnipropetrovsk: Instytut zernovoho hospodarstva NAAN Ukrainy, 24 p.

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