
The article theoretically establishes the regularities of the artistic and aesthetic development of children of the preschool age in the development of the basic component of preschool education.
 The didactic potential of the art as a way of shaping the artistic and creative competence of the child is considered in the article. It shows the peculiarity of this process in the minds of the realization of the emotionally oriented model of artistic enlightenment, reveals the dialogical essence that apart from other factors includes joint activity of a grown-up and a child in an artistic environment. It has been proved that the effectiveness of the process of shaping artistic and creative competence in preschoolers depends on the pedagogical practitioner of establishments of preschool education having a certain level of professional readiness.
 It is shown that the process of preparing future professionals in preschool education to be able to form of artistic and creative competence of the pedagogical support of the artistic activity of the child should be based on: forming a special position on infusion of art on the development of the personality of the child in the future professionals in preschoolers education; recognition of the importance of the aesthetic development of the personality and the improvement of ability of own artistic activity; the development of pedagogical tools for arts education of children of the preschool age; stimulation of motivation for self-development and constant professional growth; shaping the creation of a developmental aesthetic center at the foundation of preschool education; the development of the effective interplay skills in the area of "child - science - teacher" (self-diagnosis, reflection, active listening, involvement in visual artistic activity) in future pre-school education professionals.
 The ways of shaping such readiness in the process of professional and pedagogical training of professionals in preschool education were considered by the faculty of the Department of Theory, Technology and Methods of Preschool Education of the Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after G.S. Skovoroda. They emphasized the role and methods of using innovative technologies for stated purposes, such as: technologies of pedagogical communication (facilitated discussion), technologies of design education, artistic and musical illustration, verbalization of the sense of artists and musical creations, interactive technologies (working in small groups and couples), technologies of productive and creative activity, pedagogical training, initial pedagogical and game technologies, technologies of integration of art, art therapy technologies, technology of "learning without a lesson", modern digital technologies.

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