
The main priority of modern preschool education is the provision of self-identity, spiritual formation of children, the interaction between family and public institutions. The continuity is recognized as a guiding principle of education, which is ensured by the succession of the content and coordination of educational activities at different levels of education. The "continuity" as a pedagogical category is the relationship of the various stages of development, the essence of which is to restore and maintain some elements and characteristics of the previous one at a new stage. A pedagogical condition of the realization of the principle of continuity of preschool and primary levels of education is the technology of partnership of EPE educators and primary school teachers. The purpose of the research is the substantiation of educational technology of pedagogical partnership of preschool and primary education to ensure the principle of continuity, to ensure a lytic transition of older preschoolers to the learning at the first grade. To achieve the objectives of the research we have mapped out the following objectives: 1. To reveal the essence and structure of the concept “pedagogical partnership of preschool and primary education"; to clarify the concept "interaction", "pedagogical interaction" in the context of the undertaken research. 2. To explore the experimental method of the pedagogical technology of partnership of preschool and primary education. The complex of the research methods has been used to solve the tasks: theoretical: to determine the conceptual and categorical apparatus of the research; empirical methods: diagnostic (questionnaire, survey, testing), pedagogical experiment (ascertaining, forming and control stages); to determine the levels of partner pedagogical interaction; observatory methods (observation, self-evaluation method). The partner pedagogical interaction is a process of joint activity of a teacher, pupils, parents, primary school teachers in anticipating the outcome of educational activities; it meets everybody’s interests and promote the realization of the needs of older preschoolers; planning, control, correction and coordination of actions of teachers and the administration of preschool educational institutions; primary school teachers and the heads of secondary schools; the emergence of interpersonal relations with the goal of lytic transition and training of preschool children for school education. Thanks to the effective implementation of the principle of continuity of preschool and primary education by means of partner pedagogical interaction, we can observe a personal individual development of older preschoolers, the gradual inclusion to the system of personal and social relations, socialization of personality, a vital competence of preschoolers is forming. The further scientific research is aimed at the development of common programs of preschool and younger school age to ensure the succession and continuity of a child's development.

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