
The XXII-th Winter School on Continuous Media Mechanics, a scientific event traditionally organized by the Institute of Continuous Media Mechanics Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It is a biennial meeting, which attracts researchers in the field of mechanics. The School was approved the Russian National Committee for Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, the Scientific Council of the Russian Academy of Sciences on mechanics of deformable solids of the Urals Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the Technical Committee 17 (Non-Destructive Assessment) of the European Society for Structural Integrity (ESIS), and the Russian Committee of ESIS.The Schools are also attended by our foreign colleagues, who are involved in active collaboration with the scientists of the Institute. About 370 people from 9 countries (Russia, Germany, France, Israel, Italy, USA, China, UK, Azerbaijan) took part in the XXII Winter School on Continuum Mechanics. Russian participants represented 50 organizations in 15 cities (Perm, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Kazan, Samara, Rostov-on-Don, etc.). Most participants are regular attendees of this scientific event. The Scope of the Conference traditionally covers the following topics:– physics and mechanics of meso- and nano-structured systems– convection, hydrodynamic stability and turbulence– hydrodynamics of multiphase media– hydrodynamics of non-Newtonian liquids and liquids with special characteristics– computational continuum mechanics– coupled problems of solid mechanics– interdisciplinary studies– mining mechanics.During the conference reports were made on fundamental and applied problems of physics and continuum mechanics, including 20 invited reports (45 minutes) of well-known experts in the relevant branches of physics and mechanics (academicians, corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, doctors of science).All the participants had 15 minutes to present their latest academic research findings one by one. Besides, there was a Q&A discussion after every of 342 presentation.Due to the severe impact of the COVID-19 outbreak and travel restrictions, it has been difficult for authors to attend the offline meeting. Therefore, the XXII-th Winter School on Continuous Media Mechanics virtual conference is a better way to achieve the goal of ensuring the safety and health of all participants. The conference was conducted virtually through the platform “Big Blue Button”. Before the official meeting, the organizing committee has opened a test room for all keynote speakers and authors to test the platform whether the operation is normal or not. The plenary reports were broadcast simultaneously on YouTube. 5-6 sections were working at the same time. The total number of views of the plenary lectures on Youtube during the School’s work reached 954, and on Big Blue Button-726. On average, 100 to 175 people were connected to the Big Blue Button platform during the breakout sessions. The participants of the School note the high scientific level, the good organization and intensity of the work, the relevance of the plenary and oral reports, the possibility of a broad and in-depth discussion of the issues presented in the program by specialists in various areas of physics and continuum mechanics. This issue contains articles on the part of the reports presented at the School. After the detailed reviewing, we have accepted 73 submissions.List of Program Committee, Organizing Committee are available in this pdf.

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