
Breeding of new domestic varieties of economically useful plants for different purposes (food, fodder, technical, medicinal, decorative, etc.) is the basis for food, environmental and social security of the republic population. Therefore, preservation, study, mobilization and rational use of genetic resources in the context of global climate change and steady increase of anthropogenic pressure on nature is a planetary problem. The welfare and life of the present and future generations of mankind depends on successful solution of this problem. The paper presents history in chronicles of genetic resources preservation in the Republic of Belarus – from conception of this trend to the present day. Particular attention is paid to the presentation of the results obtained by the implementing organizations of the State Program “Plant Gene Pool” over a 17-year period (2000-2017), including 11 academic institutions and 2 higher educational institutions of the republic. The contribution of each organization to the national genetic bank formation is reflected. Basic, active, working, field, double, target, indicative, core and training collections of the main resource crops, economically significant crops and forest-forming species were formed by their efforts. The largest and most valuable genetic collections of 7 implementing organizations are included in the State Register of Scientific Objects, which constitute the national treasure of the Republic. These collections are a source of valuable genetic material and, at the same time, they are successfully used in scientific, environmental, educational and other programs. Currently, genetic collections in general include over 78,300.00 specimens belonging to 1,680.00 species of crop plants and their wild relatives. 1,016.00 varieties of crop plants were created based on them. The paper also reflects the main approaches and perspectives of preservation and rational use of the plant gene pool. Sophisticated and time-consuming processes of genetic collections formation in modern hard economic and regional natural conditions, taking into account the results of similar studies of other states, will serve as a scientific and information basis for increasing efficiency and improving work in this direction. In practical terms, the high level of species, variety and form biological diversity of genetic collections serves as a guarantee for their efficient use in crop production and selection as sources and donors of valuable genetic material.


  • Изменения климата и неуклонного усиления антропогенного прессинга на природные экосистемы

  • future generations of mankind depends on successful solution of this problem

  • Particular attention is paid to the presentation of the results obtained by the implementing organizations

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ГЕНЕТИЧЕСКИЕ РЕСУРСЫ РАСТЕНИЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ БЕЛАРУСЬ – ПЕРВООСНОВА ПРОДОВОЛЬСТВЕННОЙ, ПРИРОДООХРАННОЙ И БИОЛОГИЧЕСКОЙ БЕЗОПАСТНОСТИ СТРАНЫ. Аннотация: Выведение новых отечественных сортов хозяйственно полезных растений разного целевого назначения (пищевых, кормовых, технических, лекарственных, декоративных и др.) представляет собой основу продовольственной, экологической и социальной безопасности населения республики. Наиболее крупные и ценные генетические коллекции 7 организаций–исполнителей включены в Государственный реестр научных объектов, составляющих национальное достояние республики. Эти коллекции являются источником ценного генетического материала и вместе с тем успешно используются в научных, экологических, образовательных и других программах. В практическом отношении высокий уровень видового, сортового и формового биологического разнообразия генетических коллекций служит гарантией эффективности их использования в растениеводстве и селекции в качестве источников и доноров ценного генетического материала. Для цитирования: Генетические ресурсы растений Республики Беларусь – первооснова продовольственной, природоохранной и биологической безопасности страны / Ф. PLANTS GENETIC RESOURCES IN THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS – THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLE OF FOOD, ENVIRONMENTAL AND BIOLOGICAL SECURITY OF THE COUNTRY

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