
ABSTRACT: The teaching of philosophy requires a performance, by teachers and students, that allows going beyond the simple phenomenal description of reality or knowledge. Admitting to aim at developing criticism as the foundation of human thought, it is essential to move beyond a simplistic reflection on the questions that surround our reality, in a way that makes it possible for philosophy, based on a careful reflection practice, to contribute to the unveiling of the entirety of the real. In this sense, this study intends to present the structure and application of a Didactic Sequence entitled “Thinking science constellation: a didactic sequence”, in order to introduce a teaching strategy that provides teachers with a way of teaching philosophy beyond the descriptive perspective of knowledge. We chose to organize the Didactic Sequence based on the concepts of comprehensive Education in the Vocational and Technological fields (EPT), interacting with the construction of knowledge by constellation (ADORNO, 2009). The Didactic Sequence intended to develop reflection and the construction of new knowledge by constellation to provide, during its application, moments and spaces of reflective and critical attitude, the development of knowledge and intellectual autonomy, and the understanding of social reality. The purpose of the study has been met, since the development of activities allowed to highlight and develop important terms such as science, common sense, scientific method, the scientific community, social responsibility, and cognitive, ethical, and political values.

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