
This paper discusses the modality of the digital surface documentation of the archaeological site of al-Jumayil during the 2021 excavation campaign organised by the Institute of Classical Archaeology of the University of Vienna. A digital terrain model encompassing an area of 23,783.4 m2 was created using the photogrammetric range imaging technique SfM (Structure from Motion). It is based on 12,983 orthographic photographs. The resulting high-resolution 3D model – a snapshot in time displaying the current condition of the visible structures related to historic al-Jumayil – laid the foundation for further off-site data processing. In addition to the three-dimensional model, a digital elevation model (DEM), a georeferenced orthographic map, and a ground plan containing all visible wall structures of the settlement was produced from the collected data. This case study aims to present the in-field application of a systematic photogrammetric approach used as a fast and accurate tool for mapping an archaeological site step-by-step in two and three dimensions within a topographic survey.

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